Tuesday, July 12, 2016

We got a new vehicle - Yay! It's a Diesel Toyota 4 Runner (they call it a "Fortuner") with plenty of clearance. It's actually nicer and bigger than we need, but the smaller ones (Rav4 and Highlander) were more money. Go figure. Anyway, we no longer worry about getting stranded in the back woods. Getting lost is a different story. We go out visiting with the locals who don't deal with maps, East, West, miles, kilometers or distance. It's "turn left here, go straight and stop. We should label our car the "maze runner."

We held our July 4th party on July 11th (several of the missionaries had to go to the capitol on the 4th, so we postponed the celebration until the 11th) here at our house. It was fun. We had a pot luck lunch which consisted of Pringles, Starbursts, Oreos, watermelon, spaghetti, baguettes and Erin's apple crisp (with spray-on whipped cream at $8 a can). The missionaries talked, laughed and reminisced about their relatively short lives (most have no memory of 9/11 or before). We talked about what we appreciated most in the US - it was interesting. Even
18 year-olds recognize the value of clean water, basic sanitation and machines that work. Hopefully when these young missionaries return, they will appreciate the sacrifices of so many who have made our country what it is. We hear occasional snippets about Trump and Clinton and what will happen to our country if either is elected. It's small potatoes compared to rudimentary sanitation. I hold firm that the USA is bigger than any one president - including those on the ballots today. We survived Nixon, Carter, Bush and Obama. We'll make it through whoever is elected.

Yesterday we walked jungle trails to several small huts and experienced 1st and 3rd world contrasts in a very personal way. At one hut we visited a lady who had what we believe was an autistic son. The Mom just said he had "brain problems." The son (an adult) was wearing ragged jeans about 10 sizes too big. A rope was strung through the front two belt loops, then slung over his shoulder and tied to a belt loop in the back. No shirt, no shoes. And he was chained to a post just inside the hut to keep him from wandering off. It was wrenching. Health care is evolving in Cambodia, and it will get better. But it's hard to watch. I'll take either Clinton or Trump any day.

Jews and Christians alike believe in the return of the Messiah. Prophets of old as well as current day have testified that He will come with "healing in his wings." I hope He makes Cambodia His first stop.

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