Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Today was difficult. Not in a physical sense -  although my nose was introduced to several new smells (only one of which was good) - but in a deeper,more personal way. We went with the missionary sisters to visit people in a very poor part of town. I've seen poverty in Mexico, but nothing like this. Houses only 6-8 feet wide and 15 feet deep. Tin sides and roof, dirt floors, no running water, plumbing or sanitation of any kind. It's hard to think that 7 billion people live in 2016, but so many eek out a tiny living in what I consider desperate circumstances. It's easy to blame the wealthy, but that's too simplistic. Giving poor people money doesn't make them wealthy - it makes them dependent. Jesus Christ said it best when he said, "and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." The problem is ignorance. Sometimes it's illiteracy. Sometimes it's awareness of a new level of growth. Too often we don't know what we don't know. I realize this is true for all of us, but the blatant poverty in South Kampong Cham brings it front and center for me.

I believe that Jesus Christ is the source of ALL truth. Nuclear fusion is not a problem for him. He could do it in his sleep (I don't think he needs to sleep however). Nor does he wrestle with the concept of infinity. He existed before this life began. He is real today. And he will continue to create new worlds after ours has completed. He could eliminate poverty with the snap of a finger, but it wouldn't help us grow. It's similar to parents providing all the needs of their children forever. Parents could probably pull it off, but it wouldn't be beneficial to the children. He will teach us how to eliminate poverty - if we are willing to let him.

At the day's end, all of us missionaries
 went to a do-it-yourself outdoor grilling restaurant. The servers drop hot wood coals into a metal container in the table, put a criss-cross wire mesh grill on top and bring you marinated meat and vegetables to grill. It was amazingly delicious (I had my doubts at first). We were stuffed, and it only cost us $4 each (including fried rice and beverage). This goes on the favorites list.

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